Introducing DocSlide 2.0

iTS are pleased to announce the release of DocSlide 2.0, a solution that helps users securely scan documents to email.

Want a powerful solution to securely scan your documents to email?

DocSlide Version 2.0 has been developed by iTS to address these very real security concerns around scanning files to email.

DocSlide ensures your documents are only accessed by the right users, removing the threat of important files falling into the wrong hands.

It's also simple to set up. DocSlide requires no other software to use, offers cross platform support and is implemented for use with any brand of multi-functional device.

Good news for PaperCut Software and Umango users, DocSlide has been designed by iTS to be fully compatible with both PaperCut and Umango solutions.

To find out more about DocSlide, click here. 
